• La reine Elizabeth II va devenir arrière-grand-mère

    nouvelObs.com, journal d’actualite en temps reel

    La reine Elizabeth II va devenir arrière-grand-mère

    LONDRES (AP) — La reine Elizabeth II va être arrière-grand-mère pour la première fois: le fils aîné de la princesse Anne, Peter Phillips, et son épouse Autumn attendent leur premier enfant pour décembre, annonce vendredi Buckingham Palace.


    Dans un communiqué diffusé vendredi, le palais précise que "la reine et le Duc d'Edimbourg, ainsi que la famille d'Autumn, ont été informés et ravis de cette nouvelle".

    Peter Phillips est le petit-fils le plus âgé de la reine. Il occupe la onzième place dans l'ordre de succession au trône britannique. Il a épousé la Montréalaise Autumn en mai 2008 au château de Windsor.

    Le fils aîné de la princesse Anne, 32 ans, est l'un des moins connus de la famille royale. Avec sa soeur cadette Zara, ils sont les seuls des huit petits-enfants de la reine à ne pas avoir de titre royal. Anne avait rejeté la proposition de sa mère de leur octroyer un titre. AP

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    Autumn Phillips
    Full Name: Autumn Patricia Phillips
    Father: Brian Kelly
    Mother: Kitty Kelly
    Born: May 3, 1978 at Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Current Age: 32 years, 2 months, and 6 days
    Married: Peter Phillips on May 17, 2008 at St. George's Chapel, Windsor

    Autumn is the wife of Peter Phillips who is the eldest grandson of Queen Elizabeth II.

    She was born in Montreal, Canada, and grew up in an English speaking suburb of Montreal attending a Catholic primary school and St Thomas High School in Pointe-Claire. Her parents divorced in 1986. She graduated from McGill University in 2002 with a degree in East Asian studies. During her time at college worked in a bar and as a model. On leaving college started work as a management consultant.

    Autumn met Peter Phillips at the Montreal Canadian Grand Prix in 2003 while he was working as sponsorship manager for the Williams Formula 1 motor racing team. Soon afterwards they started dating, but for the first 6 weeks she had no idea that he was a member of the Royal Family until she saw him on a TV programme about Prince William. She moved to England, and they share a flat in London and a cottage on the Gatscombe estate in Gloucester owned by Princess Anne. Autumn worked for an American computer company and as a personal assistant to Sir Michael Parkinson.

    She attended the Queen’s 80th birthday celebration in 2006, and has renounced her Catholic faith so Peter retains his position in the line of succession to the British throne. They were married at St Georges Chapel, Windsor, on 17 May 2008 with 300 guests, including the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

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