• Decorah Eagles : le nid de pygargues de l'Iowa

    Decorah Eagles

    The Raptor Resource Project brings you the Decorah Eagles from atop their tree at the fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa. Please visit our web site.

    Decorah Eagles, Ustream.TV

    Les jeunes pygargues de l'Iowa se sont envolés ! Ils ne font plus de corde à sauter sur les branches mais reviennent au nid voir papa et maman.

    Le baguage va se faire (lire le paragraphe "banding" extrait du site web). Un émetteur sera installé sur un des jeunes. Ensuite ils vivront leur vie.

    Rendez-vous est déjà pris pour la prochaine nidification des parents, l'an prochain.


    RRP hopes to band these juvies and place a satellite transmitter on one of them. The juvies will be captured on the ground a couple of weeks after they fledge. The small band with its identifying color and number goes around one of the ankles and does not bother or endanger the bird. The transmitter is mounted loosely and comfortably like a tiny backpack, and it does not interfere with flight or with head or neck movement. The process takes just a few minutes and does not frighten or harm the birds. It is possible to take measurements of the juvies as they are banded to determine their sex. Banding eventually gives researchers information on how far the bird has flown from its birth nest once it has died or is found injured; the band might also be spotted during feeding, nesting, or migrating and thus can be useful in tracking the eagle's movements. The transmitter will allow researchers to track the juvie regularly via GPS and will yield invaluable information on its behavior. The transmitter is designed to fall off after a few years. Banding and placing the transmitter will be done by Bob Anderson, Director of RRP, and other raptor experts who have banded many birds before and who always follow the safest protocols, and who will have obtained the required permits to do so. Bob discusses his excitement about this in a recent interview. Here is a good web site that describes the process of banding.